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Miller Zell’s Charity Golf Classic Benefits Fight Against Breast Cancer, Alzheimer’s Disease

ATLANTA, GA, July 8, 2024 — The Miller Zell Charities Annual Golf Classic will tee off Sept. 9 at the Horseshoe Bend Country Club in Roswell, GA.

The event will benefit Susan G. Komen for the Cure and “It’s the Journey” 2-Day Atlanta walk, thereby helping to fund breast cancer research, education, screening and treatment programs, as well as the National Philanthropic Trust Breast Cancer Fund, which provides an endowment for breast cancer initiatives.

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Miller Zell's Annual Charity Golf Classic 2023. Horseshoe Bend Country Club, Roswell, Georgia. 

Further, all proceeds from the “Purple Skirt Hole” will benefit the “Battle of the Brain” and Alzheimer’s disease research. Miller Zell will have a team participating in the “Battle for the Brain” Lip Sync Contest in February of 2025. 

“This golf tournament, one of our highlights of the year, brings our vendor and client partners and Miller Zell associates together, supporting great causes,” Miller Zell CEO Chip Miller said. “Everyone has a great time, and we raise awareness and money for breast cancer and Alzheimer’s disease research.”

Miller Zell Charities has hosted its Annual Charity Golf Classic since 2009 and has raised approximately $854,300 for breast cancer and Alzheimer’s research, including over $84,000 last year.

MZ-Charities-IMG_4392_Retouched-WEBThe Board of Directors of Miller Zell Charities pictured from left: Chris Schweigert, Lavina Moss, Carmen Arnold, Roni Barker and Carly Harper.

The tournament will offer a continental breakfast at 8 a.m., before commencing a shotgun start at 9 a.m. It will feature a longest drive, closest to pin and hole-in-one contests, along with raffle prizes and some fabulous items up for auction. The awards presentation and lunch are scheduled for 1 p.m.

Register online here. You can pay for sponsorships, teams, mulligans, raffle tickets, wine pull and more. Deadline is Aug. 5.

If you have any questions or need hotel recommendations, please contact Sharon Cooper at 404-556-4418.

Miller Zell Charities is a 501(c)(3).