Insights | Miller Zell

Master the Psychology of Retail Store Layout Fixture Placement

Written by Miller Zell | Jun 5, 2024 12:00:00 PM

Store layouts take many forms — grid, racetrack, geometric, etc. — and retailers adopt one or the other (or a blend) for various reasons. Customers won’t really notice or care what the layout is as long as it efficiently serves their variable trip missions.

Yet there is unquestionably a psychology to how retail gondolas, fixtures, signage and displays influence customer behavior, including wayfinding, dwell time and impulse purchases. If a layout consistently serves customer wants and needs, it builds brand loyalty. If it does that while also increasing basket size, then your store design scores a revenue win.

So how do you design and arrange a store in a way that creates a great customer experience while also encouraging purchasing? Good question.

Retail gondolas, fixtures, signage and displays influence customer behavior, including wayfinding, dwell time and impulse purchases. Walmart located in Columbus, Ohio.

First steps: Engagement and wayfinding

Your store layout meets your customers the second they walk through the door.

What do they need to see first? Store navigation support is essential, as many customers are seeking a specific product or products and they want to quickly enter, find, check out and get home or back to the office. Effective use of fixtures and gondolas helps to organize the store layout, making it easier for customers to find what they want.

Next challenge? Engagement.

School supply area in a Target store, with a wide selection of products for all levels of education, from preschool to college. Sundry Photography -

What’s the lead story in your store? A new product? A big sale? Seasonal needs — from back-to-school to summer and all events, holidays and celebrations in between? Eye-level creative and thematic displays can engage and attract without interrupting the flow of customers who aren’t interested in pausing and exploring.

And sometimes those hurried shoppers do pause, explore and then add to their basket. For example, placing related items together, such as chips near the soda aisle, can prompt customers to make additional purchases, even when they are in a rush.

Clear and logical arrangement of products reduces search time and frustration, and the ensuing engagement enhances the overall shopping experience.

Guiding the flow and directing product presentation

Fixtures and gondolas are used to create pathways that guide customers’ flow through your store. A well-designed layout encourages customers to walk through more areas, increasing exposure to a wider range of products. This can be achieved through a racetrack layout that leads customers in a loop around the store or through the strategic placement of gondolas to create a natural, intuitive navigational path.

Aisle gondolas create pathways, channeling customer traffic through designated areas. Strategic placement of end caps creates prime real estate for impulse buys and promotional items, catching customers’ eyes just as they’re about to turn. This seemingly passive layout actively guides the exploration of the store.

"There's an art to product presentation and sensory engagement that goes beyond connections to calendar events."


Gondola heights and shelf arrangements create a visual hierarchy. Eye-level shelves are prime real estate for high-margin products or those you want to highlight. Lower shelves might showcase complementary items or bulky goods, while higher shelves can store less frequently purchased items or bulk stock. Positioning influences which products capture customer attention first.

There’s an art to product presentation and sensory engagement that goes beyond connections to calendar events. The way products are arranged on shelves and fixtures plays a crucial role. Carefully curated displays using specialized stands, waterfall shelves or angled platforms elevate the perceived value of products and entice shoppers to pick them up and explore further.

Storytelling, brand identity through design and layout

Fixtures can reinforce brand identity, integrating colors, logos and visuals, both static and digital, to engage customers. Visual consistency strengthens brand recognition and builds trust with customers.

That consistency, however, can be paused or altered for purposeful thematic zones within your store.

Maybe it’s a section dedicated to “backcountry camping” with products displayed on rustic wooden shelves. Or a “relaxation spa” area with calming lighting and music and soft textures incorporated into the fixtures. Or a specialty, haunted house area for those getting a jump-start on Halloween. This storytelling approach helps customers visualize how products can be used and entices them to create similar experiences for themselves.

Lighting plays a significant role. Strategically placed spotlights highlight specific products, while warmer ambient lighting creates an inviting atmosphere. Some stores even incorporate scent diffusers to evoke certain emotions and encourage browsing.

Pet wellbeing is both purposeful and aspirational, so the gondola displays needed a high-quality feel to engage discerning customers. Petco located in Peachtree City, GA.

Creative and thematic displays using fixtures can foster a sense of discovery. Seasonal displays or themed sections encourage customers to spend more time exploring. The longer customers stay in your store, the more likely they are to make additional purchases.

Understand the psychology of shopping urgency but don’t oversell

Yes, showcasing “limited-time offers” or “limited quantities available” or “last chance!” can trigger a sense of urgency and scarcity that fuels impulse purchases.

This, of course, can be overplayed and perceived as inauthenticity that can backfire, particularly on social media. It’s better to tie such claims to retail and product reality — as in, it’s a real discount and it will end on Friday — than nudge customers with dubious assertions, such as “Going out of business” sales that last three years.

"Curated display sections can comfort customers with directions that reduce choices based on in-store expertise an evaluation."

The same goes with too many options. Some shoppers get bogged down in “decision fatigue” when 135 BBQ sauces claim they are “award winning.” Curated display sections can comfort customers with directions that reduce choices based on in-store expertise and evaluation.

Retail store fixtures and gondolas are more than just functional elements. They are powerful tools that influence customer behavior.

By strategically designing and placing these fixtures, retailers can improve product visibility, guide customer flow, encourage impulse buying and enhance the overall shopping experience. Effective use of these elements can lead to increased sales, customer satisfaction and loyalty, making them essential components of successful retail strategy.